
Checks Academic manuscripts, instantly

See demo               Check a manuscript

Instantly ensure manuscripts meet journal requirements. 

Penelope is an online tool that automatically checks academic manuscripts written in Microsoft Word.

In seconds, it assesses structure, declarations, statistics, referencing and other common reporting errors. 

Authors view feedback online and can download a commented version of their file. 


Customise settings, view usage and feedback through our dashboard.

The checks can be customised to your journal guidelines using our dashboard. Control which checks run, what feedback is given and add links to other resources. Journal staff can view usage, author ratings, and can upload their own manuscripts.


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I was very impressed - it was fantastic to have a product check references and match my manuscript to the journal requirements.
— Author submitting to Addiction, University of Cincinnati
Useful feedback as the software found two items I had overlooked myself.
— Author submitting to BMJ Open, University of Plymouth